Name it labels offer a variety of personalised school bags. School bags are perfect for children of all ages. Kids of all ages love seeing their name on things.
Starting school or nursery is a major step in a child’s life. It should be an exciting time for them. Therefore why not give them a personalised bag to start their journey into school life.
In a crowded busy cloakroom, all bags can look the same. As a result of your child having a personalised bag, it will make it easier for them to identify which bags is theirs. Therefore taking away the risk of bringing home the wrong bag or losing it.
For children in primary years education, our personalised book bags are brilliant. Just the right size for younger children taking things to and from school. Available in an assortment of bag colours and design options.
Additionally older children love the very modern messenger style bag or the heavy duty canvas bag.
Name it Labels have been printing high quality personalised book bags since 2002.